Thomas Ploetz, associate professor at the School of Interactive Computing, is representing Georgia Tech as the general chair for this year’s Ubicomp. He has authored or co-authored eight papers that will be presented this year and is one of six IC faculty members who have had papers accepted. The others are professor emeritus Gregory Abowd, assistant professor Sonia Chernova, interim school chair Betsy DiSalvo, associate professor Josiah Hester, and distinguished professor Irfan Essa. The papers are also co-authored by 12 Georgia Tech PhD or graduate students. Tech faculty and students contributed to 13 papers altogether.
Ploetz said any papers presented at Ubicomp were accepted because they were published in a journal called The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) during the previous year. Many researchers in the field refer to Ubicomp and IMWUT synonymously, he said.
“It is fantastic to have such a strong presence of GT researchers — first and foremost our students — at our annual flagship conference,” Ploetz said. “It underlines the strength of Ubicomp/IMWUT research at our university.”
Ploetz said any papers presented at Ubicomp were accepted because they were published in a journal called The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) during the previous year. Many researchers in the field refer to Ubicomp and IMWUT synonymously, he said.
“It is fantastic to have such a strong presence of GT researchers — first and foremost our students — at our annual flagship conference,” Ploetz said. “It underlines the strength of Ubicomp/IMWUT research at our university.”
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