

Atluri, Adviti, Phelps, Brenna, Qin, Yin, Cutts, Corinne, & Jones, Brian. Exploring AI Smart Home Aging-in-Place: Use Cases to Empower Individuals with MCI and Their Carepartners. To appear in the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024).

Botti, E., Seelam, L, Yang, C., Belles, N., Zaidi, Z., and Gombolay, M. “Assistive Robot Learning from Demonstrations by Older Adults: Feasibility in Younger and Older Cohorts.” In Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems [To Appear July 2024].

Chang, M. L., Reig, S., Lee, A., Huang, A., Simao, H., Han, N., Khanuja, N., Ali, A., Martinez, B., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J., & Steinfeld, A. (2024a). “Exploring Boundaries of Agent Intervention for Adults With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment. “Under Revision, 2024 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW2024).

Chang, M. L., Lee, A., Han, N., Huang, A., Simao, H., Reig, S., Ali, A., Martinez, B., Khanuja, N., Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J. & Steinfeld, A. (2024b). “Dynamic Agent Affiliation: Who Should the AI Agent Work for in the Older Adult's Care Network?” In Proceedings of the 2024 Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference.

Challa, Ramya, Jorge Ruballos, and Naomi T. Fitter. “I’m Glad You Remembered My Name!” Using Gaze and Names in Robot-Aided Healthy Aging Activities. In Proceedings of the Workshop on HRI for Aging in Place, held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Boulder, CO, USA, March 2024.

Chen, Yang, Ethan Mendes, Sauvik Das, Wei Xu, Alan Ritter, “Can Language Models be Instructed to Protect Personal Information?” Submitted to Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2024.

Chernova, Sonia, Elizabeth Mynatt, Agata Rozga, Reid Simmons, and Holly Yanco. “AI‐CARING: National AI Institute for Collaborative Assistance and Responsive Interaction for Networked Groups.” AI Magazine (2024). 

Dixit, Gaurav, Kagan Tumer. Informed Diversity Search for Learning in Asymmetric Multiagent Systems, In Proceedings of The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2024 (GECCO ’24).

Fitter, N. T., Mohan, M., Preston, R. C., Johnson, M. J., & Kuchenbecker, K. J."How should robots exercise with people? Robot-mediated exergames win with music, social analogues, and gameplay clarity." Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 (2024): 1155837.

Guo, Ruohao, Wei Xu, Alan Ritter. “Meta-Tuning LLMs to Leverage Lexical Knowledge for Generalizable Language Style Understanding.” 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2024)

Johnson, M.J., Hovey, C.L., Sanders, S., Stallworth, C., Mendes, R., Parker, A.G., Choi, A., Francis, S., Sackitey, D., Chernova, S. and Patel, M., 2024, May. Lessons Learned from Developing and Implementing a High School CS Bridge Program. In Proceedings of the 2024 on RESPECT Annual Conference (pp. 51-59).

Kaushik, R., and R. Simmons, “Contextual Bandit Approach to Generating Robot Feedback for Human Exercise” , HRI 2024.

Kaushik, R., and R. Simmons, “Effects of Feedback Styles on Performance and Preference for an Exercise Coach”, RO-MAN 2024.

Kaushik, R., and R. Simmons, “Older Adults' Preferences for Feedback Cadence from an Exercise Coach Robot”, RO-MAN 2024.

Kiyemba, Daisy M., Jasmin Marwad, Elizabeth J. Carter, and Adam Norton. Evaluation Tools for Human-AI Interactions Involving Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairments. Short Contribution, In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’24), Boulder, CO, March 2024.

Liu, Zhixuan, Peter Schaldenbrand, Beverley-Claire Okogwu, Wenxuan Peng, Youngsik Yun, Andrew Hundt, Jihie Kim, and Jean Oh. “SCoFT: Self-Contrastive Fine-Tuning for Equitable Image Generation.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.08053, The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) (2024).

Martin, Fred, Vaishali Mahipal, Garima Jain, Srija Ghosh, and Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi. “ChemAIstry: A Novel Software Tool for Teaching Model Training in K-8 Education.” In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1, pp. 792-798. 2024.

Martin, Fred, Saniya Vahedian Movahed, James Dimino, Andrew Farrell, Elyas Irankhah, Srija Ghosh, Garima Jain et al. “Perception, Trust, Attitudes, and Models: Introducing Children to AI and Machine Learning with Five Software Exhibits.” In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2, pp. 1740-1741. 2024.

Mathur, N., Zubatiy, T., & Mynatt, E. (2024). Categorizing Sources of Information for Explanations in Conversational AI Systems for Older Adults Aging in Place. Human-Centered Explainable AI workshop at CHI 2024 arXiv:2406.05111.

Misra, V., Schaldenbrand, P., and Oh, J. Robot Synesthesia: A Sound and Emotion Guided Robot Painter. Submitted to IEEE/RAS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024 (submitted).

Pandya, Ravi, Michelle Zhao, Changliu Liu, Reid Simmons, and Henny Admoni. “Multi-Agent Strategy Explanations for Human-Robot Collaboration.” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).

Patel, Maithili, and Sonia Chernova. “Robot Behavior Personalization from Sparse User Feedback.” Robotics and Automation Letters, under review, 2024.

Perkins, Russell, Anna Nickelson, Paul Robinette and Kagan Tumer. Ethical Autonomy: Navigating the Fine Line between Robotic Paternalism and Rebellion, in Rebellion and Disobedience (RaD) of Artificial Agents. Workshop on Rebellion and Disobedience in Human-Robot Interaction (RaD-HRI) at the 19th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2024).

Preston, R.C., Shippy, R.M, Aldwin, C.A., & Fitter, N.T. (2024). How Can Robots Facilitate Physical, Cognitive, and Social Engagement in Skilled Nursing Facilities? Under review for inclusion Frontiers in Aging (2024)

Reig, S., Fong, T., Carter, E., Steinfeld, A., Forlizzi, J. Contrasting Affiliation and Reference Cues for Conversational Agents in Smart Environments. (2024) To appear in 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN).

Schaldenbrand, Peter, Gaurav Parmar, Jun-Yan Zhu, James McCann, and Jean Oh. “CoFRIDA: Self-Supervised Fine-Tuning for Human-Robot Co-Painting.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13442 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (2024). (Best Paper Award in Human Robot Interaction and Best EXPO Demo Finalist).

Schalkwyk, J., van Waveren, S., Schrum, M., London, A., Robinette, P., and Gombolay, M. (2024). “Ethics of Paternalistic Robots in the Care of Older Adults.” In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Workshop on Workshop YOUR study design!

Shankar, T., Chawla, C., Hassan, A., and Oh, J. (2024). Translating Agent-Environment Interactions from Humans to Robots. Submitted to IEEE/RAS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024.

Sundar, Anirudh, Christopher Richardson, and Larry Heck. “gtbls: Generating tables from text by conditional question answering.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14457 (2024).

Sundar, Anirudh, et al. “ iTBLS: A Dataset of Interactive Conversations Over Tabular Information.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.12580 (2024)

Trienes, Jan, Sebastian Joseph, Jörg Schlötterer, Christin Seifert, Kyle Lo, Wei Xu, Byron C. Wallace, and Junyi Jessy Li. “Infolossqa: Characterizing and recovering information loss in text simplification.” Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2024

Xie, Kaige, and Mark Riedl. “Creating Suspenseful Stories: Iterative Planning with Large Language Models.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.171.

Zhao, M., Zhu, H., Simmons, R., Bisk, Y., Admoni, H. Large Language Models as Proxies for Evaluating Collaborative Norms; HRI Workshop on Scarecrows in Oz: Large Language Models; HRI, March 2024.


Chang, Reig, Lee, Simão, Khanuja, Zimmerman, Forlizzi, Steinfeld. Understanding Boundaries of Agent Intervention for Adults With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment. CHI 23 Workshop on Future of Hybrid Care and Remote Work in HCI (2023)

Chang, Reig, Lee, Simão, Khanuja, Zimmerman, Forlizzi, Steinfeld. Understanding Boundaries of Agent Intervention for Adults With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment. CHI 23 Workshop on Future of Hybrid Care and Remote Work in HCI 2023.

Cook, Tumer. Multi-Team Fitness Critics For Robust Teaming. AAMAS 2023.

Cui, Hiremath, Ploetz. Reinforcement Learning Based Online Active Learning for Human Activity Recognition. ISWC 2023.

 Das, Chernova, Kim. Subgoal-Based Explanations for Unreliable Intelligent Decision Support Systems, NeurIPS (2023, under review)

 David Heineman, Yao Dou, Mounica Maddela, and Wei Xu. 2023. Dancing Between Success and Failure: Edit-level Simplification Evaluation using SALSA. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 3466–3495, Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Dhekane, Haresamudram, Ploetz. Critical Mass: How much Unlabeled Data is needed for Effective Self-Supervised Learning in Human Activity Recognition?. PACM IMWUT 2023.

Dixit, Gaurav, and Kagan Tumer. "Learning synergies for multi-objective optimization in asymmetric multiagent systems." In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 447-455. 2023.

Dixit, Tumer. Learning Inter-Agent Synergies in Asymmetric Multiagent Systems. AAMAS 2023.

 Gupta, Nguyen, Gonzalez, Woolley. Fostering collective intelligence in human-AI collaboration: Laying the groundwork for COHUMAIN. TopiCS in Cognitive Science (2023)

Gupta, Nguyen, Gonzalez, Woolley. Fostering collective intelligence in human-AI collaboration:  Laying the groundwork for COHUMAIN. TopiCS in Cognitive Science 2023.

 Haresamudram, Essa, Ploetz, Investigating Enhancements to Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition. IEEE  PerCom 2023.

Haresamudram, Essa, Ploetz. “Towards Learning Discrete Representations via Self-Supervision for Wearables-Based Human Activity Recognition. PACM IMWUT 2023.

Haresamudram, H., Essa, I., & Plötz, T. (2023). Investigating enhancements to contrastive predictive coding for human activity recognition. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom).

Heineman, David, Yao Dou, and Wei Xu. "Thresh: A unified, customizable and deployable platform for fine-grained text evaluation." In EMNLP Demo (2023). arXiv:2308.06953 (2023).

Hsu, Shah, Senthil, Yang. Helping the Helper: Supporting Peer Counselors via AI-Empowered Practice and Feedback. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023.

 Le, D.M., Guo, R., Xu, W., & Ritter, A. (2023). Improved Instruction Ordering in Recipe-Grounded Conversation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17280.

 Liu, Okogwu, Shin, Yoon, Schaldenbrand, Oh. Culturally-Aware Stable Diffusion: Supporting Cultural Representation in Text-to-Image Synthesis. AAAI Workshop on Creative AI Across Modalities (2023)

Liu, Okogwu, Shin, Yoon, Schaldenbrand, Oh. Culturally-Aware Stable Diffusion: Supporting Cultural Representation in Text-to-Image Synthesis. AAAI Workshop on Creative AI Across Modalities 2023.

 London, A. J., Razin, Y. S., Borenstein, J., Eslami, M., Perkins, R., & Robinette, P. (2023). Ethical issues in near-future socially supportive smart assistants for older adults. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. Advance online publication.

 London, A.J., Heidari, H. (2023). Beneficent intelligence: A capability approach to modeling benefit, assistance, and associated moral failures through ai systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.00868.

London, Alex John, Yosef S. Razin, Jason Borenstein, Motahhare Eslami, Russell Perkins, and Paul Robinette. "Ethical issues in near-future socially supportive smart assistants for older adults." IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 4(4), 291–301. 2023.

 Maddela, Dou, Heineman, Wei Xu. LENS - A Learnable Evaluation Metric for Text Simplification. ACL (2023)

Maddela, Dou, Heineman, Wei Xu. LENS - A Learnable Evaluation Metric for Text Simplification. ACL 2023.

 Madison R. Shippy, Rhian C. Preston, and Naomi T. Fitter. Uncouth Robot Behaviors: Where is the Line between Playfulness and Appropriateness in Interactions with Elders? In Proceedings of the Geriatronics: AI and Robotics for Health & Well-Being in Older Age Workshop, held in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, USA, October 2023.

Mahipal, Ghosh, Sansui, Ma, Gonzales, Martin. (2023). DoodleIt: A Novel Tool and Approach for Teaching How CNNs Perform Image Recognition. ACE. Retrieved from

 Mahipal, Ghosh, Sansui, Ma, Gonzales, Martin. (2023). DoodleIt: A Beginner's Tool for Understanding Image Recognition. SIGCSE. Retrieved from

 Mahipal, V., Ghosh, S., Sanusi, I. T., Ma, R., Gonzales, J. E., & Martin, F. G. (2023, January). DoodleIt: A novel tool and approach for teaching how CNNs perform image recognition. In Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Computing Education conference (ACE), 31-38.

Minh Le, Guo, Xu, Ritter. Improved Instruction Ordering in Recipe-Grounded Conversation. ACL 2023.

 Misra, V., Schaldenbrand, P., & Oh, J. (2023, February 9). Robot synesthesia: A sound and emotion guided AI painter. Retrieved from

Misra, V., Schaldenbrand, P., & Oh, J. (2023, February 9). Robot synesthesia: A sound and emotion guided AI painter. 2023.

 Mogali, van Hoeve, Smith. Templates and Decision Diagrams for Multi-Agent Path. FindingJournal of AI Research 2023.

Moorman, Hedlund-Botti, Schrum, Natarajan, Gombolay. Impacts of Robot Learning on User Attitude and Behavior. HRI 2023.

Moorman, Hedlund-Botti, Schrum, Natarajan, Gombolay. Impacts of Robot Learning on User Attitude and Behavior. HRI 2023.

Moorman, N., Gopalan, N., Singh, A., Hedlund, H., and Gombolay, M. (2023) “Investigating the Impact of Experience on a User’s Ability to Perform Hierarchical Abstraction.” In Proceedings Robotics: Science and Systems. (Nominated for Best Paper)

 Nickelson, R. Perkins, A.J. London, P. Robinette, K. Tumer. Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Framework for Beneficent AI. Submitted to Neural Computing and Applications (NC&A) Journal.

Ploetz. If only we had more data! Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in Challenging Scenarios. Workshop on Ubiquitous and Multi-domain User Modeling - UMUM 2023.

Ploetz. Know Thy Neighbors: A Graph Based Approach for Effective Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes. PACM IMWUT 2023.

Plötz, T. (2023). If only we had more data!: Sensor-based human activity recognition in challenging scenarios. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and Other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops).

 Preston, Dinsdale, Shippy, Fitter. Robot-Mediated Nudges for Workplace Health: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Modeling Problem. International Journal of Social Robotics (SORO) (2023)

Preston, Dinsdale, Shippy, Fitter. Robot-Mediated Nudges for Workplace Health: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Modeling Problem. International Journal of Social Robotics (SORO) 2023.

 Preston, R.C., Shippy, M.R., Aldwin, C.M, & Fitter, N.T. (2023). Toward Robot- Mediated Physical Activity in Skilled Nursing Facilities. In Proceedings of the Geriatronics: AI and Robotics for Health & Well-Being in Older Age Workshop, held in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, USA, October 2023.

Reichman, Sundar, Christopher Richardson, Heck.  Outside Knowledge Visual Question Answering Version 2.0. ICASSP 2023.

Richardson, Heck. Commonsense Reasoning for Conversational AI: A Survey of the State of the Art. AAAI: Workshop on Knowledge-Augmented Methods for Natural Language Processing 2023.

Rosenthal, S., & Simmons, R. (2023). Autonomous Agents: An advanced course on AI integration and deployment. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(13), 15843–15850.

Rosenthal, Stephanie, and Reid Simmons. "Autonomous agents: an advanced course on AI integration and deployment." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 37, no. 13, pp. 15843-15850. 2023.

Ryan, Naous, Wei Xu. Revisiting non-English Text Simplification: A Unified Multilingual Benchmark. ACL (2023)

Ryan, Naous, Wei Xu. Revisiting non-English Text Simplification: A Unified Multilingual Benchmark. ACL 2023.

Sanusi, Ismaila Temitayo, Solomon Sunday Oyelere, Henriikka Vartiainen, Jarkko Suhonen, and Markku Tukiainen. "Developing middle school students’ understanding of machine learning in an African school." Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 5 (2023): 100155.

Schaldenbrand, McCann, Oh. FRIDA: A Collaborative Robot Painter with a Differentiable, Real2Sim2Real Planning Environment, ICRA 2023. 

 Schaldenbrand, P., McCann, J., & Oh, J. (2023a). Frida: A collaborative robot painter with a differentiable, real2sim2real planning environment. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).

 Seelam, L., Hedlund-Botti, E., Yang, C., and Gombolay, M. (2023). “Interface Design for Learning from Demonstration with Older Adults.” In Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Fall Symposium Series (FSS) on Unifying Representations for Robot Application Development (UR-RAD). [Best Paper Award Nomination]

Shankar, Oh.  Learning Abstract Representations of Human and Robot Task Strategies, CoRL 2023.

Shankar, Oh. Learning Abstract Representations of Human and Robot Task Strategies, CoRL (2023)

Sundar, Heck, cTBLS: Augmenting Large Language Models with Conversational Tables. (2023)

Sundar, Heck, cTBLS: Augmenting Large Language Models with Conversational Tables. 2023.

Thukral, Haresamudram, Ploetz. Cross-Domain HAR: Few Shot Transfer Learning for Human Activity Recognition. PACM IMWUT 2023.

 Viraj Parimi, Rubinsten, Smith. T-HTN: Timeline-Based Hierarchical Task Network Planning for Multiple Robots. ICAPS 2023.

Wang, Shah, Wang, Kraut, Yang. Metrics for Peer Counseling: Triangulating Success Outcomes for Online Therapy Platforms. SIGCHI (2023)

Wang, Shah, Wang, Kraut, Yang. Metrics for Peer Counseling: Triangulating Success Outcomes for Online Therapy Platforms. SIGCHI 2023.

Woolley, Anita Williams, Rosalind M. Chow, Anna T. Mayo, Christoph Riedl, and Jin Wook Chang. "Collective attention and collective intelligence: The role of hierarchy and team gender composition." Organization Science 34, no. 3 (2023): 1315-1331.

 Woolley, Gupta, Glikson, Bar-Ilan. Using AI to enhance collective intelligence in virtual teams: Augmenting cognition with technology to help teams adapt to complexity. Handbook of Virtual Work (2023)

Woolley, Gupta, Glikson, Bar-Ilan. Using AI to enhance collective intelligence in virtual teams: Augmenting cognition with technology to help teams adapt to complexity. Handbook of Virtual Work 2023.

Zubatiy, T., Mathur, N., Heck, L., Vickers, K. L., Rozga, A., & Mynatt, E. D. (2023). "I don't know how to help with that" - Learning from Limitations of Modern Conversational Agent Systems in Caregiving Networks. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7, 1-28.


Bin Morshed, M., Haresamudram, H. K., Bandaru, D., Abowd, G. D., & Ploetz, T. (2022). A personalized approach for developing a snacking detection system using earbuds in a semi-naturalistic setting. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers


Bin Morshed, M., Haresamudram, H. K., Bandaru, D., Abowd, G. D., & Ploetz, T. A personalized approach for developing a snacking detection system using earbuds in a semi-naturalistic setting. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. 2022.


Chen, Jayanthi, Paleja, Martin, Zakharov, & Gombolay. (2022). Fast Lifelong Adaptive Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Crowdsourced Demonstrations. CoRL 2022.


Chen, Jayanthi, Paleja, Martin, Zakharov, Gombolay. Fast Lifelong Adaptive Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Crowdsourced Demonstrations. CoRL 2022.


Cui, Hiremath, Ploetz. Reinforcement Learning Based Online Active Learning for Human Activity Recognition. ISWC(2022)


Dou, Jiang, & Xu. (2022). Improving Large-scale Paraphrase Acquisition and Generation. In EMNLP 2022.


Dou, Jiang, Xu. Improving Large-scale Paraphrase Acquisition and Generation, EMNLP 2022.

gender and team hierarchy. Organization Science 2022.


Gupta, Glikson, & Woolley. (2022). Digitally Nudging Collaboration Processes to Enhance Collective Intelligence. MIS Quarterly, 46(3), 1005-1036.


Gupta, Glikson, Woolley. Digitally Nudging Collaboration Processes to Enhance Collective Intelligence. MIS Quarterly 2022.


Gupta, Pranav, Kim, Jou, E. L. L. A. Glikson, and Anita Williams Woolley. "Digitally nudging team processes to enhance collective intelligence." Proceedings of Collective Intelligence 2019 (2019). Gupta, Glikson, Woolley. Digitally Nudging Collaboration Processes to Enhance Collective Intelligence. MIS Quarterly 2022.


Haresamudram, H., Essa, I., & Plötz, T. (2022). Assessing the state of self-supervised human activity recognition using wearables. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6(3), 1–47. 


Haresamudram, H., Essa, I., & Plötz, T. (2022). Assessing the state of self-supervised human activity recognition using wearables. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6(3), 1–47.


London, A. J., Razin, Y. S., Borenstein, J., Eslami, M., Perkins, R., & Robinette, P. (2022). Ethical issues in near-future socially supportive smart assistants for older adults. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 1–1.


Maddela, Dou, Heineman, & Wei Xu. (2022). LENS - A Learnable Evaluation Metric for Text Simplification. ACL 2022.


Mahipal, V., Ghosh, S., Sanusi, I. T., Ma, R., Gonzales, J. E., & Martin, F. G. (2022, March). DoodleIt: A Beginner's Tool for Understanding Image Recognition. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2, 1329-1329.


Mathur, N., Dhodapkar, K., Zubatiy, T., Li, J., Jones, B., & Mynatt, E. (2022). A collaborative approach to support medication management in older adults with mild cognitive impairment using conversational assistants (CAS). The 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility


Mathur, N., Dhodapkar, K., Zubatiy, T., Li, J., Jones, B., & Mynatt, E. (2022). A collaborative approach to support medication management in older adults with mild cognitive impairment using conversational assistants (CAS). The 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. 2022.


Moorman, Hedlund-Botti, Gombolay. Towards Cognitive Robots That People Accept in Their Home. AAAI FSS on AI-HRI 2022.


Patel, Chernova.  Proactive Robot Assistance via Spatio-Temporal Object Modeling, CoRL 2022.

Patel, Ploetz, & Chernova. (2022). Proactive Robot Assistance via Spatio-Temporal Object Modeling. In CoRL 2022.


Perkins, R., Khavas, Z. R., McCallum, K., Kotturu, M. R., & Robinette, P. (2022). The reason for an apology matters for robot trust repair. Social Robotics, 640–651.


Perkins, R., Khavas, Z. R., McCallum, K., Kotturu, M. R., & Robinette, P. (2022). The reason for an apology matters for robot trust repair. Social Robotics, 640–651. 2022.


Schaldenbrand, Liu, & Oh. (2022). Towards Real-Time Text2Video via CLIP-Guided, Pixel-Level Optimization. In NeurIPS 2022.


Schaldenbrand, Liu, Oh. Towards Real-Time Text2Video via CLIP-Guided, Pixel-Level Optimization, NeurIPS 2022.


Schaldenbrand, P., Liu, Z., & Oh, J. (2022). StyleCLIPDraw: Coupling content and style in text-to-drawing translation. Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 


Schaldenbrand, P., Liu, Z., & Oh, J. StyleCLIPDraw: Coupling content and style in text-to-drawing translation. Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2022.


Schrum, Hedlund-Botti, & Gombolay. (2022). Reciprocal MIND MELD: Improving Learning From Demonstration via Personalized, Reciprocal Teaching. CoRL 2022.


Schrum, Hedlund-Botti, Gombolay. Reciprocal MIND MELD: Improving Learning From Demonstration via Personalized, Reciprocal Teaching. CoRL 2022.

Schrum, Hedlund-Botti, Moorman, Gombolay. MIND MELD: Personalized Meta-Learning for Robot-Centric Imitation Learning, HRI 2022.


Schrum, M. L., Hedlund-Botti, E., Moorman, N., & Gombolay, M. C. (2022). Mind meld: Personalized meta-learning for robot-centric imitation learning. 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)


Shah, R. S., Holt, F., Hayati, S. A., Agarwal, A., Wang, Y.-C., Kraut, R. E., & Yang, D. (2022). Modeling motivational interviewing strategies on an online peer-to-peer counseling platform. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction,6(CSCW2), 1–24.


Shah, R. S., Holt, F., Hayati, S. A., Agarwal, A., Wang, Y.-C., Kraut, R. E., & Yang, D. (2022). Modeling motivational interviewing strategies on an online peer-to-peer counseling platform. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (CSCW2), 1–24. 2022.


Shankar, Lin, Rajeswaran, Kumar, Anderson, & Oh. (2022). Translating Robot Skills: Learning Unsupervised Skill Correspondences Across Robots. In ICML 2022.


Shankar, Lin, Rajeswaran, Kumar, Anderson, Oh. Translating Robot Skills: Learning Unsupervised Skill Correspondences Across Robots, ICML 2022.


Sundar, A., & Heck, L. (2022). Multimodal Conversational AI: A survey of datasets and approaches. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI


Sundar, Heck.  Multimodal Conversational AI A Survey of Datasets and Approaches, ACL 4th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI 2022.


Woolley, Chow, Mayo, Riedl, & Chang. (2022). Collective attention and collective intelligence: The role of gender and team hierarchy. Organization Science, 33(1), 140-161.


Woolley, Chow, Mayo, Riedl., Chang. Collective attention and collective intelligence: The role of

Xie, Wiegreffe, & Riedl. (2022). Calibrating Trust of Multi-Hop Question Answering Systems with Decompositional Probes. EMNLP 2022.


Xie, Wiegreffe, Riedl. Calibrating Trust of Multi-Hop Question Answering Systems with Decompositional Probes. EMNLP 2022.


Yang, Chen, & Gombolay. (2022). Safe Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Control Barrier Function. CoRL: Learning for Agile Robotics workshop 2022.


Yang, Chen, Gombolay. Safe Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Control Barrier Function. CoRL: Learning for Agile Robotics workshop 2022.


Ziems, C., Li, M., Zhang, A., & Yang, D. (2022). Inducing positive perspectives with text reframing. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


Ziems, C., Li, M., Zhang, A., & Yang, D. Inducing positive perspectives with text reframing. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). 2022.


Zubatiy, Mathur, Emory, Heck, Rozga, & Mynatt. (2022). "I don't know how to help with that" - Learning from Limitations of Modern Conversational Agent Systems in Caregiving Networks. CSCW 2022.



Zubatiy, Tamara, Kayci L. Vickers, Niharika Mathur, and Elizabeth D. Mynatt. "Empowering dyads of older adults with mild cognitive impairment and their care partners using conversational agents." In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, pp. 1-15. 2021.