Diyi Yang (Stanford University), Pradeep Dasigi (Allen Institute for AI), Sherry Tongshuang Wu (CMU), Tuhin Chakrabarty (Columbia University), Yuval Pinter (Ben-Gurion University), Mike Shou Zheng (National University of Singapore).
The driving forces of progress in NLP are the people behind the work. We learn from their work. But to generate such good work, what are the principles and strategies they used? What are the roadblocks, challenges, mistakes, and lessons learned? These are quite valuable to the newbies across different career stages. In fact, we always reach out to the senior people around us for advice and reflect on their stories when we start a new career chapter - (1) fresh phd students reach out to early career researchers including senior phds or recent graduate, (2) early career researchers reach out to mid/late career professors, (3) company newbies reach out to industrial leaders. But often, only a few people would be approachable around us. This workshop aims at making the sharing of successful researchers’ stories and lessons learned to be accessible to everyone in our community. Such sharing would be very inspiring and helpful for those who might be struggling with making a choice or feeling lost right now.
About Workshop
The driving forces of progress in NLP are the people behind the work. We learn from their work. But to generate such good work, what are the principles and strategies they used? What are the roadblocks, challenges, mistakes, and lessons learned? These are quite valuable to the newbies across different career stages. In fact, we always reach out to the senior people around us for advice and reflect on their stories when we start a new career chapter - (1) fresh phd students reach out to early career researchers including senior phds or recent graduate, (2) early career researchers reach out to mid/late career professors, (3) company newbies reach out to industrial leaders. But often, only a few people would be approachable around us. This workshop aims at making the sharing of successful researchers’ stories and lessons learned to be accessible to everyone in our community. Such sharing would be very inspiring and helpful for those who might be struggling with making a choice or feeling lost right now. Our workshop will line up with sessions dedicated to individual career stage groups; each session will consist of 3-5 speeches and a panel QA & discussion to interact with the audience.
Abu Dhabi, UAE , Capital Suite 12B / Zoom on Underline
Start Date
End Date